A type system for Machine Learning

07 Sep 2016

This post is about rusty-machine, a pure-rust machine learning library. In particular I’ll be talking about the API and how we can leverage Rust’s type system to improve it. The current API took a huge amount of inspiration (read was copied) from scikit-learn - now I’m looking at moving towards something a little more Rust-like. I’d love to get some feedback on this post and the suggested changes.

Before we jump in - it is impossible to capture the complexity of all machine learning models in a single interface. The goal of rusty-machine is to expose an API that makes it as easy and as simple to use these models as possible - undoubtedly this will work a lot better for some models than others.

Why rusty-machine?

Machine learning is already huge and there’s a wealth of tools to support that. So the question is, what can Rust bring to the party?

Rust offers high performance alongside the promise of memory safety. There’s many reasons why this is valuable for machine learning but I don’t want to focus on them in this post. I’ve written and spoken about them a few times before. What I will add here is that the Rust type system can be a very valuable tool to help guide users into understanding machine learning.

As for rusty-machine in particular - it is still early days but the goal is to combine safety and speed without sacrificing the simplicity we love in other frameworks.

The Model trait

Right now the idea of a model is encapsulated in rusty-machine using a trait like this1:

pub trait Model<T, U> {
    fn train(&mut self, inputs: T, targets: U);

    fn predict(&self, inputs: T) -> U;

This trait describes the behaviour of a machine learning model. To those of you who have used other machine learning frameworks this probably looks quite familiar. All machine learning models are used in roughly the same way. First we train them with some data and then we ask them to predict outcomes from what they’ve learned2.

In the Model trait, type T represents the type of the input data. Something like Matrix usually. And type U is the type of the output data produced by the model - this might be a Vector of class labels for each data point.

But this still leaves a lot to be desired. For almost all3 of our models we cannot use the predict function without first training. If a user tries to do this then our only choice is to panic and abort the program.

What does this look like?

In the code below we create and use a K-Means classifier.

// Create a new K-Means classifier
let mut model = KMeansClassifier::new(2);

// Train the model on some input data

// Predict the classes of some new data
let outputs = model.predict(&new_data);

The above shows how we use a simple model in rusty-machine. Here both inputs and new_data are Matrix types.

Improving the Model trait

This core part of the API hasn’t really changed since rusty-machine was created. Sadly this is in spite of the issues and my improved knowledge of Rust. Recently I decided that I wanted to address some of these issues. The trait below is the first (mild) attempt to do this.

pub trait Model<T, U> {
    fn train(&mut self, inputs: T, targets: U) -> Result<(), Error>;

    fn predict(&self, inputs: T) -> Result<U, Error>;

What’s changed here?

Our functions now return Results! Results are Rust’s weapon of choice for error handling. Though at first they may seem clunky and complex they are a fantastic tool that gives the user much more control over how errors should be processed.

In our case it is common for training to fail due to invalid data, parameter settings, or something else outside of the user’s control. Results let the user handle all of these and choose what should happen next.

As a small side note I’m not really a fan of returning Result<(), E>4 but it feels worthwhile here.

What does this look like?

// Create a new K-Means classifier
let mut model = KMeansClassifier::new(2);

// Train the model on some input data
model.train(&inputs).expect("Failed to train k-means");

// Predict the classes of some new data
let outputs = model.predict(&new_data).expect("Failed to predict new classes");

As you’d expect this code looks almost identical to the previous example. The only difference is that we consume the Results using the expect function. This function attempts to retrieve the value of the Result and will abort the program with the given error message if it fails.

The future of the Model trait

With the above we haven’t really solved our problems. The errors are made more explicit and the user gets more control over how to handle them. But it would be nice if we could prevent some of these errors from ever arising.

As mentioned before - one common error we have to handle is the attempt to predict from an untrained model. Currently we do this by checking the state of the model when the user tries to predict. A couple people have suggested a good way to deal with this and finally I decided to see what it could look like.

/// Trainer trait
pub trait Trainer<M>
    where M: Model
    /// Input type
    type Input;
    /// Target type
    type Target;

    /// Train the model
    fn train(self, inputs: &Self::Input) -> Result<M, Error>;

/// A model which can be predicted from
pub trait Model {
    /// Input type
    type Input;
    /// Output type
    type Output;

    /// Predict from the model
    fn predict(&self, inputs: &Self::Input) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;

I’ve also chucked in the use of some associated types. This is mostly to keep code that is generic over models (like cross validation) a little cleaner.

What’s changed here?

We have split out into two traits. The Trainer describes the training process and we change the notion of a Model to be trained and ready to predict from new data.

Note that we’ve also left the associated types on M unconstrained in the Trainer trait. This is intentional (though not necessary) - we may want to train a model on a Matrix but then predict from a MatrixSlice (which is synonymous to the Vec<T> - &[T] relationship). Until we have custom DSTs we have to treat these as different types within rulinalg.

What does this look like?

// Create a new K-Means trainer
let trainer = KMeansTrainer::new(2);

// Consume the trainer to get a model
let mut model = trainer.train(&inputs).expect("Failed to train k-means");

// Predict from the model
let outputs = model.predict(&new_data).expect("Failed to predict new classes");

This looks almost identical to the previous example - the main advantage is that our model.predict call can no longer fail if the model has not been trained. In fact, it’s impossible for the user to find themselves in this position! But there are some other more subtle advantages here too.

Firstly this feels a lot more Rust-like, and as such promotes some patterns that felt a little unnatural before. One common example is the builder pattern. With the builder pattern we use a dedicated struct to create the object of interest. This works well for machine learning models which often have lots of different parameter settings. We can provide some sensible defaults and let more experienced users pick and choose what they would like to change.

// Create a new K-Means model with 100 iterations and Forgy initialization
let mut model = KMeansTrainer::new(2)
                              .expect("Failed to train k-means");

// Predict from the model
let outputs = model.predict(&new_data).expect("Failed to predict new classes");

Some other advantages

Serialization becomes more natural. We can now serialize a model once it has been trained and reuse the model to make future predictions. This was certainly possible before but with the new traits serializing a model should consists of saving only the data relevant to future predictions.

In machine learning we sometimes want to incrementally update our model using incoming data - this is sometimes called online learning. We can capture things like online learning more easily by tackling Models and Trainers separately. Once again this is possible with the existing traits but is a little cleaner here. For example, we could imagine something like the following:

impl IncrTrain for Trainer<M> {
    fn incr_train(self, inputs: &Trainer::Inputs) -> Result<M, Error> {

So if we try to incrementally train a Trainer we use train like normal. But if we incrementally train a Model we update our existing parameters.

One final advantage is our code becoming tidier. Current models have a lot of Option fields which are filled during training - we can move these to the Model. The type system now does the state-checking for us.

The disadvantages

This is less familiar to users coming from other machine learning frameworks. It requires a better understanding of Rust before the user can jump in - though hopefully this hurdle can be tackled with good documentation. With that said - I do think this approach will feel more natural to those familiar with Rust.

We currently struggle to represent clustering models. In clustering we do not always have a natural notion of prediction - instead the task is simply to group the training data. In all of the traits discussed here there’s no obvious way to represent this.

There are also some added difficulties with code organization. We often require some code used in the training to help with prediction. For example with k-means in both training and classification we need to find the closest centroids to a given point. This presents some new code organization challenges - but these shouldn’t be too difficult to overcome.


I started rusty-machine about 10 months ago and it was my first ever Rust project. Although the API has worked well so far - it could certainly do with an update (along with quite a few other areas of the library).

Here I’ve spoken about some changes to rusty-machine. Adding Results seems like an obvious improvement with no real down-sides (compared to our current API). The second change I suggested is something I’m not so sure about. It offers a lot in terms of the API but I don’t want to underestimate the effect of raising the complexity for new users. I’d love to get some feedback on whether this is the best approach to take.


1 - There are actually two traits, one for Supervised learning and one for Unsupervised.

2 - Clustering is arguably an exception. Models like DBSCAN don’t have a natural notion of prediction, but we can use a nearest neighbours approach (for example) to predict the class of new data.

3 - For some models we can make bad predictions from the initial states without training - for example neural networks when we randomize the weights.

4 - The compiler does warns against not consuming the result. However, it feels easy for the user to overlook this and continue about their business with a broken state. Fortunately the final proposal here avoids this issue too!

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